Connect in Community

Looking for more ways to get connected?

There are many ways to get involved and build relationships within our community. Check out our highlighted events and our community calendar to learn more about worship, small groups, and community events in the life of our church.

Spring at Christ Pres Englewood

Community Meal

Sunday, May 5 | 11:30am

Following Children's Sunday School, we will have a post church hangout at the Watson house. More details to follow!

CPC 101

Sunday, May 12 | 10:30am

Immediately following service we will have our first CPC 101 class, running about 45 mins to an hour. This is an opportunity to learn more about who we are as a church and our philosophy of ministry, as well as a great opportunity to ask questions!



Children’s Sunday School has started meeting after worship. Elementary-aged children can gather with Pastor JP and Julia in the foyer after the service, while the rest of us are welcome to enjoy a fellowship hour in the nearby conference room. We look forward to this time for our kiddos to hear the good news in their own community space!



Youth group meets at the Watsons on Sunday evenings. Come for food, fellowship, and Bible study.



Men’s group will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month this winter and spring, while women will meet on the 2nd and 4th. We’re eager for consistent community in these smaller group settings, so consider joining in on this time!

Community Calendar